Showing posts with label journaling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label journaling. Show all posts

Gratefulness-How can I change my mindset and be more thankful?

Gratefulness-how do I change my mindset and be more thankful?

Gratefulness and mindset 

I thought I might focus on gratefulness and how to change a mindset so that we are feeling thankful daily and becoming happier, regardless of a taxi being late, our children not getting out of bed, an unexpected bill......

  In a recent post, I discussed how gratitude does impact on our wellness.

I discussed how gratefulness connects us socially to others and also stimulates the part of the brain which sets off a chain reaction that ultimately improves our mental wellbeing. 

This can also work in reverse as negative emotions can also set a chain of chemical reactions, that are invisible to us but nonetheless wreak havoc on our bodies.

 For more reading about the connection between gratefulness and wellbeing, you can read this post.

If being a negative person can harm us physically,  can it also impact on us socially?

Well, how many memes have you seen on social media advising you to stay away from negativity, and that means that some people get a bad name for being negative, toxic, draining, doomsday merchants etc. 

This means that negative people are ultimately seen as bad company, poor examples of parenting, and draining partners or work colleagues! 

They cause negative reactions from those around them and this further embeds their feelings of negativity. 

So are you a positive, thankful person that is socially pleasing to be around?

Check your mindset and gratitude now:

Do you consistently groan about your day?

Do you ruminate on the past?

Do you go to work daily in a bad mood?

If someone mentions something in a positive manner, do you top it off with a negative statement?

Are you a grumbling, bad mood sort of person?

Do you focus on one bad thing that may have happened in the day, and pay no attention to the positives of your day?

Do you find it hard to find positives in your day, if asked?

Do you find it hard to find positive attributes in people? Are you cynical?

Do you feel apprehensive at the start of each day?

Do you feel down about life, life choices, and pessimistic about the future?

Do you feel unhappy regularly?

Do you want to become a more positive person?

We may have some characteristics of some of the attributes listed but they may vary in degrees. On a more personal note, I know a couple of people who are so negative that they can be labeled toxic. 

However, that is the extreme and most people are a mixture of positives and negatives! But there is always room for improvement.

How to form the Gratitude habit.

It takes 30 days to form a new habit and forming the habit of Gratitude can lead to more happiness in your life. 

It resets your mind and helps you focus on the positives in your life, instead of dwelling on the negatives.

If you would like to get into the habit of practicing gratefulness, you may find this Gratitude Bundle valuable. 
Gratitude Bundle

This Gratitude Bundle will help you get into the habit of practicing gratitude and becoming a happier person.

 Become more positive, have more success in your relationships and become a happier person through the habit of Gratitude. 

With this Gratitude Bundle, you will receive your  

-weekly re-usable templates 

-attractive Binder Cover

-Reflection sheet template to use as many times as you want and keep track of your developing habit of gratitude

-Gratitude Jar labels

The Bundle is beautifully designed and its contents (your gratitude notes) will delight you throughout the year. 

For those with children, what a lovely living example you can provide of how happiness develops through gratitude. 

Unlimited downloads!

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