
Confidence tips. How to build confidence.

What is confidence?

"Confidence is a state of being clear-headed either that a hypothesis or prediction is correct or that a chosen course of action is the best or most effective.

 Confidence comes from a Latin word 'fidere' which means "to trust"; therefore, having self-confidence is having trust in one's self. 

The concept of self-confidence is commonly defined as self-assurance in one's personal judgment, ability, power, etc. 

One's self-confidence increases as a result of experiences of having satisfactorily completed particular activities.[1] 

Self-confidence involves a positive[2] belief that in the future, one can generally accomplish what one wishes to do." Wikipedia

How does a lack of confidence manifest itself?

Do you feel intimidated by challenges at work?
Or do you feel like an outsider desperately trying to be accepted?
Or do you have family challenges and keep it bottled up instead of being able to share how you feel?

Resentment and unhappiness can slowly creep into your life as the problem gets bigger with time.

Confidence is like a muscle; the more you use it, the stronger it gets.

The same is true for our confidence. When we lack confidence, we feel like we’re carrying around a heavy backpack filled with rocks.

Even the tiniest thing can set us off balance and cause us to stumble or even fall.

There’s a common pattern that people follow when they lack confidence.

They do everything they can to avoid any situations that make them feel uncomfortable or vulnerable. They try to be more like “normal” people, so they don’t draw attention to themselves.

This means they don’t speak up in meetings or work extra hard to make sure their work is perfect.
Confidence is a funny thing. It can come and go. It's like a wave. Sometimes you're on top of the world, and other times you're drowning in self-doubt and uncertainty.
Confidence is often described as the feeling of being good or great at something.

It’s having a strong belief in your abilities and being unashamed of who you are.

It’s the ability to face challenges head-on and the ability to rise above adversity.

Confidence is the fuel that propels you to achieve your goals.

How to become more confident:

1. Don't let yourself go!

Even if you work at home, take care of your presentation so that you are proud of how you look daily and dressed appropriately for the situation.

So dress in a way that you feel good about yourself, do your hair, and put on a bit of makeup (I have dark circles under my eyes so I cover them with a touch of concealer as they make me feel ugly).

2. Forgive yourself.

If you made a mistake or didn't perform at your best, don't beat yourself up with guilt but focus on your assets and what you did well.

For example, I'm an expert in autism and I recently had a bad bout of covid. Upon my return to work, my leader asked me a simple question and my mind went blank.

I was so embarrassed as I help others understand autism.

I brought it up with her and apologised and told her my mind had gone blank, and it was possibly the after-effects of covid. She knew my work and I simply told her I was embarrassed by that situation and it had been on my mind.

3. Positive thinking-retrain your mindset.

Think positively about your goals and what actions you need to do to achieve them. And then action them!

Say 'yes' to what your old self may have thought impossible.

4. Prioritise and lessen stress.

Get the most important things out of the way first to release a build-up of anxiety.
The morning is the best time to tackle the most pressing, undesirable tasks.

5. Use a long-term planner and daily to-do list daily.

A planner and to-do list is a great idea as you can tick off all you have achieved daily and weekly, even monthly and yearly, and feel a sense of accomplishment.

6. Develop new habits.

What habits would be beneficial to you to be more productive?

Make a list of habits that could stop you from wasting time, then package small amounts of time throughout the day to incorporate a more productive routine.

Can you find small parcels of time in your day for self-care, your to-do list, journal entries, social media, emails, etc?

7. Commit to accepting and acting on problems as they arise.

Accept problems will arise but commit to solving the problems when they present themselves, and the more confident you will become.

The faster you solve the problem, the more confident and relaxed you will be.

Hello to a happier you.Start gratitude journaling now.

8. Practise gratitude.

Journal your gratitude. The best thing about journaling is looking back on your notes and remembering the great things that happened throughout the year.

Think it, if you don't get the time to write-it's okay to sit back and reflect on your day and express your gratitude for the positives in your day.

Express your gratitude to others and smile.

Gratitude, happiness, and confidence are closely interlinked.

I can share that, on a personal level, gratitude made a great difference in my life and opened many doors for me.

You may be interested in this Gratitude Bundle?
It takes 30 days to instill a new habit. You can change your mindset with this bundle to help you.

With this Gratitude Bundle, you will receive your  

-weekly re-usable templates that you can use to compile your own journal.

-attractive Binder Cover for your folder.

-Reflection sheet template to use as many times as you want and keep track of your developing habit of gratitude

-Gratitude Jar labels

Check it out here.
Gratitude journaling. Daily gratitude journal bundle to get you started.

9. Challenge yourself.

Make a list of things that challenge you and then tackle them, one by one.

These are things that you consciously avoid but you know that it would be better to overcome them.

You don't have to be great at everything so choose things that you think are important to do confidently, and make sure you make them achievable ie a SMART goal.

That means breaking it down into smaller parts so that is manageable for you to achieve. Then move on to more goal setting once that is achieved.

10. Inspiration and mentors.

Choose people who inspire you and use them as your mentors or role models.

They can be people who are online and have shown great success in the field you are in.

Find out how they accomplished their achievements and the challenges they had.
It is a great lesson to learn that they most probably had some adversities that they had to overcome before they became successful.

You will learn that people achieve by doing, even those who are not 100% confident. They take action.

11. Know your strengths, talents, and achievements.

Successful people are laser-focused and they delegate if something is not their demonstrated strength.

12. Identify where you can make a difference.

What will make you stand out with your contribution?

This guide with worksheets, Mastering Self-Doubt and Insecurities, will help you gather some healthy insights into the real you and start to develop new habits to retrain your negative thoughts.

This comprehensive pack will focus on seeing yourself in another light, and motivating you to problem solve and take on challenges that you are comfortable with, as you grow and develop in confidence.

It can be used in helping you become more confident in any situation, be it family life, friendships, or work-related situations.

Confidence is key. If you don't believe in yourself, no-one else will.

Something special for those of you wanting to become successful entrepreneurs. If you develop the traits of successful entrepreneurs, you will become confident too.

If you follow this course, it will help you in any field of work.

These insights will help develop the success mindset.

Successful people integrate these 24 practices, skills, actions, and mindsets into their everyday life.

Most importantly, these 24 factors that contribute to success are the starting points to any dream of being wealthy, fulfilling a dream, or building a successful business.

So learn to optimise your strengths and develop new skills that are needed.

This course is a downloadable 27-slide course that you can keep and watch in your own time.


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