Cold Sore

Cold sore treatments

How to get rid of cold sores quickly 

 Cold sores are a common viral infection. They are tiny, fluid-filled blisters on and around your lips. 

After the blisters break, scab forms that can last several days, or even weeks, and they can be quite painful.

They are also called fever blisters.

My experience with cold sores.

My very first experience was when I was about 4 years old and we had been to church. My parents decided that they would like to visit friends, after church. 

I was absolutely starving as  I hadn't eaten since breakfast and it was going onto lunchtime.  

Thankfully, our family friend offered me some delicious Hungarian Csabai sausage, without bread, and sweet tea. It was delicious and I scoffed it down but I broke out in huge blisters on my lips later. 

I still get these blisters if I eat this sausage without bread, when I'm hungry.

 Strange- I can eat it without any side effects when I'm not particularly hungry but I get blisters if I eat it when I'm hungry. So that indicates an allergy for me.

However,  they usually pop up on my lips before a viral infection, such as the flu.  They will appear a few days before I get sick with a viral infection.

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Best cold sore treatments: 

I seemed to be plagued with cold sores since then so it was important for me to find treatment for them as they were painful and embarrassing. 

For me, they lasted about 3 weeks until the final scab healed.

I found the ointments and creams from the chemist to have problems.

A popular treatment was Zovirax. I used that for a time but found that it dried my lips out to such a degree that my lips were painful, cracked, and bleeding for weeks.

I looked for other solutions.


Mum's old fashion home remedy!

As soon as you feel that tingle, you cut a garlic clove and rub it on the spot that is tingling. This will actually reduce the size to a small, hardly noticeable lump or it may go away completely. 

You will feel the sting of the juice on the spot. I don't use it if I'm leaving the house as it's very strong when applied to the lips. 

Petroleum Jelly 

My mum discovered this when she became very sunburnt. She was very fair and her lips were covered in blisters, even though she did not usually have cold sore blisters. 

She rubbed petroleum jelly (which was one of the Gods in our medicine cabinet) all over her lips. The pus started oozing out and they healed very quickly.

This works like a dream so I stopped using Zovirax and used it instead.

You will notice the ooze as soon as you apply it. Sometimes, a large cold sore would be flat by the morning and completely healed in 3 days. 

No painful, cracked lips and no more cold sores for 2-3 weeks. 

Vicks Vapor Rub

One day, I felt the tingling but I didn't have any petroleum jelly. So I substituted it with Vicks Vapor Rub!

You have the added benefit of menthol. It works well.


Once I started zinc tablets, it was bye-bye cold sores. It's amazing how well it works, and it's great for your nails and hair, as well.

Paracetamol and rest

When you get a cold sore, you may be coming down with a viral infection (like me), or stressed. 

The pain does affect you as, in my experience, my brain feels quite foggy and just not right. There is a distinctive mild pain I feel until I get a fever or the viral infection rears its ugly head. 

So bed rest and paracetamol will help you in this stage of your illness. 

I hope these hints help you with those very annoying cold sores. 

Has anyone else experienced cold sores related to allergies?

Has anyone been using any of the above remedies?

What are your go-to's with cold sores? 

I'd love to hear your comments. 

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