Showing posts with label best diet tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label best diet tips. Show all posts

Best Diet Tips For Weight Loss

My Best Diet Tips For Weight Loss

I would like to offer you my best diet tips for weight loss that may be unusual but can boost your weight loss efforts.

Some tips are daily habits that can easily be incorporated into your lifestyle and will help you with appetite control and losing weight gradually.

Starting new habits

If you want things to change, then you must incorporate change into your life. 
If you are serious about weight loss. whether you choose to do it gradually or quickly over a shorter time frame, then you must start new habits. 
The habits I chose to share with you are simple and easy to add to your regime.

Tip 1

I substitute coffee and tea with water laced with lemon juice or lemon essential oil. 
Lemons are so expensive at the moment and, as my partner and I both use it daily, we use lemon essential oil ( just a couple of drops in our water container)

It is thirst quenching-a lot of times when we think we are hungry, we are actually thirsty, so always have a drink before you go into the pantry.
It is a simple habit that controls hunger and you should prepare a bottle daily for you to drink. 
I put it in the freezer when I wake up and then remove it when I go to work.
 Just the right temperature and keeps cool most of the day. I start the day with this drink, the first thing when I hit the kitchen.
I noticed that when I drink tea and coffee throughout the day, I actually feel more hungry!

Tip 2

Apple Cider Vinegar-this is a wonderful product to have in your cupboard with many uses. I know some people shudder at its taste but it does not have to be unpleasant. 
I think people go overboard with the amount they use and any wonder they are not using it!
I use it only twice a day and that is enough for me as it curbs the desire to nibble on something.
There are a variety of ways to use it:-
i) One teaspoon in a glass of water (or half a glass, if you want to drink less) with one teaspoon of honey.
 Some say one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar-do what you can tolerate as you won’t do anything that pains you! 
Even if you are on a diet, you can still have desserts, so allow honey to be your special thing. It has good properties so I don’t have a problem using it for weight loss.
This drink has significantly helped in reducing my hunger pangs and tendency to reach for something to eat, and I drink it twice a day.

Tip 3

I read about turmeric for pain relief in joint pain and as a weight loss agent (as well as cancer) so I started incorporating it into our daily regime.
Note: For turmeric to work, it must have 2 elements added to it- heat and black pepper. Honey also must be pure.
We combined turmeric, a touch of black pepper, cider vinegar and honey with warm water. 
Hot water will take away the potency of honey and vinegar! Sometimes, we have this beverage straight or we may add it to tea or coffee, if we have a desire to have them.
My partner went to the Home Show and brought home a large container of Tumerix.
I wish we could be affiliates for this product as it is wonderful. It has everything in it that helps you with weight loss, as well as other ailments. 
It has black pepper, ginger, cinnamon….just to name a few spices.
 I also drink this twice a day sometimes, instead of the other drink. So I change it around with my mood but, either way, the drinks control hunger very noticeably.
If you use Tumerix with tea, then it is like a chai tea. If you put it in coffee, it tastes like Golden Coffee. So versatile and delicious!
And guess who throws it into her main meals, as well! 

Tip 4

I read the Boiled Egg Diet online, which is only meant to be done for a very short time.
 After one week, I lost 10 centimetres off my hips and chest, and 11 centimetres off my waist. The funny thing was that I broke it so many times, sometimes not my fault! 

Yes, I ate pizza and, on boiling hot days, I ate ice cream and I also ate crackers at night!

However, it works.

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The reason I brought it up was that I wanted to share ideas that were more long-term habit-changing ideas. 

I wanted to show how you can modify a short-term diet into a more long-term habit.

What I found with the Egg Diet was that I was never hungry in the morning. 

This surprised me as I was used to having at least one slice of multigrain toast for breakfast and I thought I would be hungry with the breakfast of 2 boiled eggs and I orange.

I have adapted it to eating the breakfast of this diet now. 

My habit now is to eat 2 boiled eggs and an orange for breakfast each day I work and I never feel peckish and can last comfortably until my snack and lunch breaks.

I can be a bit peckish in the evening so my splurges are a slice on toasted multigrain bread with vegemite or peanut butter or Salada crackers.

The habit of eating boiled eggs and oranges for breakfast has helped me with slow, gradual weight loss.

Tip 5

I'm lost without this in my fridge-natural Greek yoghurt, laced with garlic, chopped cucumbers and cumin. 

Yes, a snack in the afternoon or during the day is wonderful for keeping hunger pangs away.

I worked with a young Maltese girl who put me onto the cumin and I now love it!

I have shared just a few tips that you may like to try and add to your repertoire of healthy diet practices. I hope this post has been helpful to you. 

I am interested in hearing what you find successful so pop a comment below.

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